Thursday, January 19, 2012


     I was always told that college would test my faith. Well now that I am a full time college student (scary!!!) I am facing many obstacles that I have never faced before like packing a lunch, finding a non-awkward time to eat that said lunch, running to back to back classes, dealing with creepy SI's, and going full days. In reference to the Messy Monday's video public schoolers go to school for 8 hours, in the same classroom, with the same teachers, and the same people, and they say home schoolers don't have lives??? Phish, I would give just about anything to go back to only doing school for less than four hours a day. Well anyway getting back on subject; I have been told since pretty much elementary school that college would test me. When I signed up for classes such as sociology and ethics I knew we would be having discussions that would challenge my knowledge and make me ask questions about my beliefs. Well even though today was only the third day of school we have already had several ethical discussions and instead of those debates making me question my beliefs, I have been able to turn to my beliefs to answers those questions. This is such a comfort to me, to have a God that is pretty much the answer to anything. I am definitively interested in further discussions. So far the only thing making me exercise my beliefs are my fellow classmates and professors. I need to work on my patience...
      Well along with my sociology, ethics, and composition classes (the ones I thought I would enjoy the most) I am also taking Anatomy and Physiology and Geology and so far these are the ones that are shocking me the most. In Geology yesterday we began to talk about the universe to just get a general look at planets and stars.  Well ever since seeing stars that had forever changed me this summer (see first blog) they have fascinated me. Well we were shown a size comparison between our Sun, Jupiter, and Earth and well Earth is puny. Just downright teeny. And our Sun, compared to other stars in other galaxies, is small as well. I am one human, living on a small planet, next to a small sun, in a small galaxy, in a sea of galaxies, in a massive universe and the Creator of all of that wants a relationship with me. He cares about me!
     And that is not the end of what has truly amazed me. Today in Anatomy Lab we were looking at blood, neurons, and cardiac muscle. Those in themselves were so fascinating and I'm pretty sure my lab partner now totally thinks I am a complete nerd, but oh my stars there was so much detail in something so little. So much care, time, and detail have been put into every part of well EVERYTHING!!! Dude... Dude... Then to top it off my professor begins to talk about how well heart tissue communicates. They have to communicate so fast and so well so they all move the right way at the same exact time about 70+ times a minute. Then she tells us a story about how when she was in grad school they took living heart tissue, not a heart, not a ventricle, heart TISSUE, from a frog (he was basically dead and couldn't feel anything). Well after a few minutes in a petri dish full of saline solution the heart TISSUE began to beat. BY ITSELF. Dude... And when TISSUE from ANOTHER heart from ANOTHER frog was put next to each other the tissue from each heart began to communicate so well with each other that the tissues would begin to beat together. Well pretty much at that point all I could do was sit there. And again the fact that the Creator of all of everything wants a relationship with me.
     Well on the way back to my car I was still so wrapped up in everything I began to think about how lowly I am in comparison to everything and well I kind of felt like Bella from Twilight. Bella has nothing going for her; whiny, annoying, moody, do I need to continue? And yet that chick has two pretty awesome guys after her. Not one, but two! Phish, my guy is a gazillion times better than both of them combined. I am whiny, annoying, moody, bratty, again do I need to continue? And yet I have this amazing God after me! And I'm pretty sure He sparkles : )

Friday, September 30, 2011

Choosing my Future.

Well I have pretty much less than two weeks to figure out where I am going to live next fall before housing fills up. Choosing a dorm shouldn't be hard right? Well I thought it wasn't going to be. My true indecisive spirit is coming through once again (maybe I should change the name of this blog to something like "Trying to choose" or "TBA"...hmmm). Anyway back to choosing a dorm. There are so many questions to be answered! How many people I want to room with, microwave or cold meals for the next 2+ years, internet or having to find out how to get it on my own, and how close do I want my dorm to the buildings I will be in. And a friend of mine and I have been talking about rooming together but she will not know if she will even be at the college until after applications for housing open. So do I go ahead and apply or wait for her? Maybe I should just get a tent and camp out in the forest by the school.
This is all very exciting though I do have to admit : )

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Naming This Blog Was Difficult

So...after inspiration from my awesome friends Sarah and Alena I decided to start a blog. The set up process was pretty easy (besides me getting locked out of my new email for probably the third time this week) until it got to the part where I had to name my blog, and this is when my pesky indecisive side came forward. At that moment I was listening to music and saw the new Owl City album which is really good. The Honey and The Bee is probably my favorite song off of the album and one line in the song goes "Don't remind me I'm a chickadee in love with the sky" hence the name : )
It is true though, I do love the sky. The clear blue of a summer day, the enveloping grey of an approaching storm head, and the pitch black of the night sky. And the stars...I am in love with the stars. There is just something so amazing about them. They are so complex and massive, something that makes me feel so small but at the same time comforted. Once (thanks to a strange GPS) I wound up in the middle of a field somewhere outside of Marlin,Texas with some friends very late one night, we stopped our truck and got out to look at the stars. Usually when you look at the stars where I live now you can see a couple of stars that all look like they are the same distance away. There, in the middle of nowhere with no lights around, you could see thousands of stars and could see the different levels of them. It was breathtaking to say the least.
To know that the same God that created those stars created us and wants to know us, is what is truly amazing though. He is so in love with us to the extent that we cannot understand the true capacity of how much he loves us and what all he does for us : )
"When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place," -Psalms 6:3